Robin Sebastian Andre Kruska It's almost 2 months I lived maternity leave . Now it's time to find the landfill - site child care , because at home there was only one servant and that too has been caring for my son who number two ( Andre ), aged 2 years and 5 months and she was very active , all behavior must always be supervised and given the immense sense because his curiosity . After searching from various sources , I found some landfill in Surabaya : 1 . St. Joseph Landfill , Jl . Jelindra II No.20 , Surabaya , phone 7411310 2 . TPA YLKK , Jl . Johar No. 2 - 4 , Surat, phone 3533833 3 . TPA Don Bosco , Jl . Tidar No.115 , Surabaya , phone 5350789 4 . TPA Sakinah , Jl . Ubi VI No.25 , telephone 81563013 5 . Lasiyam TPA Al Muslim Foundation , Jl Residen Sudirman No.31 , phone 5030...