Teman - Sahabat - Kerja / Friends - Companion - Working
Yesterday I met an old friend, we talked a lot about the world of work and the people in it. My outline is very disappointed with the current system, where employees are not qualified employees will be retained and that disciplinary action was never any reprimand or punishment, are all left to what it is. While the employees who really have a passion for work and develops even more not supported, such as division of work / job description that has been determined not executed in accordance with the agreement. Their boss is giving most of the tasks to employees who do not deny / not reject if given the task over his responsibilities while the employee is supposed to be authorized to settle only silence / indifference only. This makes the working atmosphere is not conducive anymore because of the imbalance mebuat wisdom and leadership of these employees will be disappointed. In the end he handed the resignation letter with the reason he got a job elsewhere better and bet...